Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Comment on the Three Gorges Dam

As I've read about the Three Gorges Dam, actually I think that this project can become a very good project for China as it can give a huge amount of energy supply. However, it has to be considered, whether China will be able to handle this huge amount of energy or not since it is not easy to do so. If China government cannot handle this energy well, then this project will more or less become a huge loss for China as it has consumed a huge amount of cost, destroyed many historical sites, and also damaged the environment around.

I think that the Three Gorges Dam project is also a bit too risky to be done since in doing such a large project, everything must be done in high-class level, where checking, building, etc must be taken very seriously as a single mistake might cost great danger for China.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Indonesia Banned Youtube??

I heard from my friend that Indonesian government banned youtube and spent billions for this. The reason that the government banned youtube was because the controversial movie titled 'FITNA'. I've watched the movie and I agree that this movie is too offensive to islamic and this could start a war among religions on earth. However, I won't talk much about the movie itself.

I don't really understand what is the Indonesian government doing by banning youtube. I mean, they spent so much money for it and somehow I feel that they are not updated about how good internet is. Around one or two days after they started banning youtube, people had already known the other way to access youtube by accessing it from another website. Money had been spent, but I can say, for nothing. They just wasted country's money for nothing.

The government should have asked youtube personally to remove the video from it website rather than spending money to prohibit Indonesian accessing youtube.