Two waste disposal systems which are commonly adopted by many countries are zero waste and landfilling. Depending on the level of a country's economic development, one system is considered more suitable than the other. In Indonesia, the landfilling system is still preferred over zero waste because Indonesia is simply not ready to execute zero waste system which requires high technology and discipline of the people. If these two systems are compared, it is quite clear that zero waste system is much better in terms of financial and environmental savings. From the financial side, zero waste system can produce money by recycling wastes to be reused as basic materials to make new things. According to Collins (2002), New Zealand is even using zero waste system for an economic development since money can be produced and can give more work opportunities. In contrast, landfilling system does not give any financial benefit, and even causes land losses, since the lands used for landfilling system are not likely to be able to be used effectively anymore. From the environmental side, zero waste system has also more advantages than landfilling since it stores less waste in the environment because half of the waste has been recycled. In contrast, landfilling system stores waste totally in the environment and can cause pollution.
Zero waste system might be the best waste disposal system since it gives benefits to both the government and the environment, and should be adopted by Indonesia soon in the future and also most likely will be adopted by most countries in the world.
Collins, J. (2002, Oct 3rd). Radical plans for waste could herald a big clean-up. The Guardian Weekly. p. 25.
Yeah true...without people of a country realizing what discipline is it is really a tough job to adopt to something new.
Thanks, Pascal, for rewriting and posting this!
A good idea. I hope people in your country will learn and understand the zero waste better so that the government can excute the program.
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