How will the Indonesian government overcome the national water deficit which is predicted to reach its worst condition in 2015? Why were earlier steps not made by the government?
[Indonesia's water deficit had been noticed since 1995 in a few province and will come to the worst in 2015 if no step is taken by the government]
Water deficit is mainly caused by deforestation which has been happening lately in Indonesia and also the unavailability of natural water storages. Rainwater goes directly to the sea before it can be collected and used because there is nothing to store it.
The government must do something immediately to prevent water deficit in Indonesia. The first thing that must be done is reforestation. Reforestation is believed as one main solution which can prevent water deficit because by increasing number of forests in Indonesia, more rainwater can be stored to be used later by people.
The government can also create more water storages which can store rainwater or mountain river water quite efficiently.
Reforestation and creating water storages are not easy things that can be finished in one night. For creating water storages, it can take months and for reforestation can be even longer.
The government must take steps immediately because from the situation now, it can be said that it's already a bit late and this should not be delayed anymore. Serious attention is really needed.
(My Blogging Buddy is Syeda)